CSN launches new initiative focused on student feedback

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Federico Zaragoza PhD President | College of Southern Nevada Website

The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) has introduced a new program titled "Elevating Student Voices," which aims to prioritize student feedback in decision-making processes on campus. This initiative encourages students to engage in focus groups, where they can share their perspectives on various topics, including campus policies and classroom experiences.

The program's primary objective is to listen to students and utilize their feedback to create a more inclusive and supportive environment. By participating, students have the opportunity to express their views on critical issues impacting their college experience. Facilitators will guide these discussions, ensuring that all viewpoints are considered and valued. The insights collected will play a crucial role in informing changes to CSN's policies and practices, ultimately enhancing student success and improving the overall campus atmosphere.

According to CSN, "'Elevating Student Voices' is more than just a discussion—it's a platform for students to be active contributors to their community." Students interested in making an impact are encouraged to get involved. Additionally, departments seeking student feedback can use the provided form to participate.

This initiative represents a significant step towards ensuring that student voices are not only heard but also respected and acted upon within the college community.